Rebase III Kit. Chairside, Hard Denture Reline Material, Light Pink, Fast Set

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Rebase III Kit. Chairside, Hard Denture Reline Material, Light Pink, Fast Set. For complete or partial acrylic dentures and to extend acrylic denture borders. Quick and easy mixability, extended handling time, increased flexural strength, little to no odor, taste, or irritation, methyl methacrylate free. Contains: 80 Gm. powder, 50 mL liquid, 15 mL adhesive, 48 Gm. Tokuso resin hardener II, 1 measuring cup, 1 mixing cup, 1 dropper, 1 drip nozzle, 1 drip cup, 1 spatula, 1 brush, 1 spoon. Introductory kit